Creating Content Pillars That Drive Conversion

Creating content pillars that drive conversion is an essential part of any successful content marketing strategy. It involves understanding your target audience, cubing main content pillars, reusing existing content in new formats, and researching keywords to create a complete guide. A content pillar is an in-depth, informative, and authoritative page on a topic that covers all the essential aspects of the topic. It serves as a library to showcase your highest-performing content on a specific topic and should be promoted through various channels.

To create content pillars that drive conversion, you must first understand your target audience. This will help you determine the topics and subtopics that are most relevant to them. Once you have identified these topics, you can start cubing main content pillars. This involves breaking down the topics into smaller subtopics and creating a page for each one.

You can also reuse existing content in new formats to create your content pillars. For example, if you have an old eBook, you can deconstruct it into a 10 times larger content pillar page. This will help you create a comprehensive guide that covers all the essential aspects of the topic. When creating your content pillars, it's important to research keywords to ensure that your pages rank well in search engines.

Look at your topic and subtopics and roll up your sleeves to research keywords. The high-volume search keywords included in each subtopic will help you create your page and the things you'll need to cover to create a complete guide. As you write, make sure you have internal links under each subtopic to link back to a page on the site or a blog post and allow the reader to discover more information when they need it. In addition, linking your content allows you to rank better in search results. Once you have created your content pillars, it's important to promote them through various channels. You can use social media, email marketing, and other channels to promote pillar content.

You can also acquire backlinks from high-quality sources by presenting your pillar content as an authoritative resource. Creating content pillars that drive conversion is an effective way to achieve top search rankings and increase organic traffic from search engines. By understanding your target audience, cubing main content pillars, reusing existing content in new formats, researching keywords, and promoting your pillar content through various channels, you can create successful content pillars that drive conversion.