How to improve content structure in surfer seo?

Match the length, number of paragraphs, headings, and image count to get a high score on the structure. Be sure to use the exact keyword in the first paragraph and the recommended terms in the captions. Focus on including the terms that Surfer suggests in the content starting at the top of the list, prioritized by relevance. If you've eaten all the easiest fruit to get your hands on, but your content isn't in first place yet (or nowhere near the top of the pages), it might be time to make small adjustments and monitor progress.

Yes, but only if you're working on Google Docs, the Surfer Chrome extension can save you a lot of time, since you can access Surfer SEO recommendations directly in Docs. Surfer's NLP tools use AI machine learning to automate on-page analysis of context, entity coverage, and sentiments. It's much more pleasant to use than the Surfer content editor and offers detailed grammar and style recommendations, something that Surfer completely lacks.