What's the most effective way to grow a youtube channel?

Publish videos at the best time. These 17 YouTube tips for beginners will help you get views, encourage people to subscribe to your channel, and help you keep growing from day one. Studies show that video titles with less than 10 words get better results in YouTube search results, and 81% of the highest-ranked videos fall below this limit. Most importantly, look for a maximum of 60 characters for the length of the title, which is about 8 to 10 words (with spaces).

100 characters are allowed, but only the first 60 appear in search results. Keywords are important in descriptions for the same reasons as above. Dedicate the first few lines to describing your video, using 1 to 2 keywords. You're not limited to a specific number of keywords, just 500 characters in total.

Keep it between 7 and 10 keywords at most. Shorts are videos of less than 15 seconds, although you can combine up to four 15-second segments into a 60-second short film. YouTube automatically classifies any video under 60 seconds as short. Shorts have this red symbol in search results and feeds.

Take a 15 second snippet of your last video and upload it as a short film. Better yet, grab a few snippets of each video as you edit it and now you have 2 to 3 short films to post throughout the week. Get ahead of production by having your videos ready 1 to 2 weeks before the scheduled broadcast date. This helps minimize any unforeseen circumstances that could take you off course, such as getting sick or having family emergencies.

Your miniature is what really hooks people. They'll decide in a millisecond if it's worth watching your video based on it. Some creators spend up to 2 hours creating a thumbnail image. Optional captions for your videos make your content accessible and inclusive for everyone.

About 1 in 5 people has some degree of hearing impairment, and about 5% of the world's population is deaf or hard of hearing. Captions ensure that you don't exclude any member of your potential audience. The first thing that will help you to grow your channel, and I'm sure you've heard it before, is to publish consistently. Consistency is what led me to reach my goal of 300 subscribers after about 10 videos and 2 months.

But if you want to regain your faith, check out YouTube. There are Ryan Trahan (12 million subscribers) and the infamous MrBeast (136 million subscribers). You might even come across SSSniperWolf, which has 33.1 million followers. It's amazingly clear that growing a large audience isn't impossible.

Standing out on YouTube is hard, but it's all possible if you focus on creating unique, high-quality videos. By high quality, we don't mean having the best camera, lighting, or video background. The best videos come from creators who study their audience and the art of storytelling on YouTube. Of course, you can take it to another level by making sure your description has these 10 ingredients.

For a complete guide, read our checklist of 17 steps to promote your YouTube channel. For example, let's look at Ryan Trahan (12 million subscribers) and The Financial Diet (1 million subscribers). Both channels aim to educate and share powerful lessons, but they do so with excellent storytelling and the best anecdotes you'll ever hear. Most videos inspire you because there's an emotional undertone everywhere.

An interesting profile is a great way to promote your YouTube channel, boost SEO, and also give new users an idea of what to expect if they subscribe to your channel. Creating a YouTube channel is difficult, but growing it to thousands of subscribers or even millions is much more difficult to achieve. And if you didn't know yet, videos with a high watch time are more likely to be promoted by the YouTube algorithm (among other factors). You can do all of this and more with InVideo's YouTube video editor, which gives you access to a multi-level timeline, file assets, and a range of professional editing tools that make your life easier.

Either way, set a goal of hiring a publisher once your YouTube account starts generating a certain amount per month. You can edit captions if YouTube gets a word wrong, and editing is much faster than writing captions from scratch. Type the topic you want to create a video about and YouTube will automatically show you the most searched terms related to it. So what does that mean for your channel's growth? Overall, it shows that YouTube shorts are now a bridge that connects some viewers to your long-form videos.

InVideo's YouTube video editor can help you with editing, allowing you to create engaging YouTube videos quickly and easily. You can share links to your best-performing videos or even post a call on your channel to let your Twitter followers know what you're doing on YouTube and how you can add value to them. Don't forget to tag your videos as their parts and you can also redirect viewers with a call to action at the end, leave a link in the description below, or add it to the YouTube end screen. One reason for this is also that many people watch YouTube videos on their phones and use dark mode.

Last year, YouTube announced that it would build a bridge between YouTube shorts and traditional long-form videos. Seeing the performance of your content and developing ways to improve it is the best way to grow a YouTube channel. .